Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kickboxing & Zumba today!

Today I woke up at 5:30AM. Couldn't sleep. I decided to go to the gym by 7:30AM. I did the following:


Now I'm not sure if that's correct. I got my information via Sparkpeople.com. I love that site.

Cardio & Calories Burned MINUTES CALORIES BURNED
Elliptical Trainer 20 328
Cardio Kickboxing Workout 60 818
Zumba 60 600
Daily Totals: 140 1746

I feel that I need to eat more for breakfast if I plan on doing that much cardio in the morning. By the time I was done with the 20 min of eliptical machine, I've already burned the calories I took in and I was starting to feel really hungry.

My other problem is I need to make sure I snack healthier. When I'm done working out, I'm usually starving and I tend not to want the most healthy things. I need to work on that.

Other then that, I'm looking forward to starting up with a new trainer. I was seeing this trainer named Rick at Gold's Gym, but he was just too busy for me. So I will soon be meeting up with a woman named Lea. We'll see how that goes.

Kickboxing Class

I did pretty good on my food eaten today as well.

Cream of Wheat Cereal, mix'n eat, apple, banana and maple flavored, 2 packet, prepared 264 58 1 5

6 Inch Subway Veggie Delight w/cheese, 1 serving 280 44 8 13
Subway Fat Free Sweet Onion Sauce 1 serving = 1.5 Tablespoon, 0.5 serving 20 5 0 0
Sun Chips Harvest Cheddar, 1.5 oz 210 29 9 4

6 Inch Subway Veggie Delight w/cheese, 1 serving 280 44 8 13
BSN Syntha 6, Strawberry, 44 gram(s) 200 13 6 23


Daily Totals: 1,254 192 32 58

Sunday, August 1, 2010

6 days of workouts

So... after much thinking.. I've decided that I'm going to be working out 6 days a week for now on. I plan on going to the gym right after I get off work @ 7:08AM - even if I have to be to work that night @ 6:30PM. The plan is to workout from 7:30-9:30 each day..each day but Sundays. I'm giving myself one day of rest. I know you probably think I'm crazy, but I'm not playing any more games. I can do this!
Also...another thing I'm doing..

I'm staying away from the scale! The plan is to only weigh myself once a week. Which is on Fridays. That means on Thursday's I'm going to have my "last chance workout" as you would. I got the idea obviously from the biggest loser. I'm going to push even harder that day.

Also... I'm meeting with my personal trainer at least twice a week for the next month.

I hope this works.. I'll update you on my progress on Friday!
I would kill for this body!