Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I hate you junk food!

OMG. I'm failing in front of my eyes. I'm setting myself up for failure. I went to walmart the other day and this is what I buy-
*M&M's Big bag - Peanut Butter

*M&M's Big bag - pretzel

*Skittles - Big Bag
*Starburst - Big bag

So.... I've eating the two bags of M&M's and I'm working on the rest. But guess what??? Fuck that. I'm bringing those bags to work and have some skinny girls eat it. I can't do this to myself. Monday I went to the gym and burned around 550 calories and came home and stuffed my fat face and defeated the whole purpose.

Yesterday I tried to go to my personal trainer session but left because I was sick with a nasty migraine.

I'm done. No more excuses. No more cheating. No more sugar. No more crap. I need to stop or I'm gonna gain my weight back. I'm too embarrased to say what I've gained back, but it's not a lot, but enough.

I was watching a fellow youtube girl Melanie -- she inspired me. This girl lost over 100 pounds in I think 6-8 months. Why can't I do that'?? Why?? Because she's determined and I wasn't. I'm getting back on track.

I'm going to walk/run 5 miles every day no matter if it be the eliptical or treadmill. This needs to be done.

I mean look at this girl!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To be fat or not to be fat...that is the question..

So today was my first good day back on the wagon with eating much healthier meals. I really can't say that it's been 100% at work because of the temptation of the cafeteria. I don't know why I can't bring myself to pack my damn lunch for work. I have the food, don't know why but I'm just lazy or I forget. That's another goal I need to work on. For instance, last night while at work guess what I decided to get? A slice of fricken pizza! I ate only 3 bites and said screw this, as my stomach was trying to say the same thing. I was in so much pain from the pizza being stuck in my band because of the dough. I threw it up and moved on. I didn't want to eat anything after that.

So today was a new day. I woke up around 4pm after working all night last night and decided to stop making excuses and get my ass to the gym and succeed in my other goal - going to classes. I really find it boring to walk on treadmills and elliptical machines sometimes, so I feel that this would for sure help my problem. I got to the gym tonight and did an hour class of "kickboxing". It was so much fun!! It was very similar to this class here --

It was a lot of fun, but man it sure kicked my ass. I really am looking forward to going to that class more often. In the meantime....

I got home and decided to make one of my favorite lap band friendly recipes -- Crust less Quiche --
*Crust less Quiche
3 eggs
1/3 C white cheddar/mont jack cheese mix
1/4 C fat free cottage cheese
diced jalepenos and diced green chilies to taste
pinch salt and pepper
- I added ---
Onions, Garlic, Chopped Spinach, Zucchini, Red Pepper - sauteed before adding to quiche.

Mix ingredients in magic bullet or other blender
Poor into a personal size casserole bowl or oven safe bowl
bake in oven at 350 for 30-35 minutes

This will serve two 1/2 C servings
200 calories per serving
11 grams of fat per serving
19 grams of protein per serving

I made twice as much so I can eat it for a few days -- Here's what what the outcome -

OMG it was soooo good!!!

I also decided since these next few days are going to be full of some intense workouts, I wanted to have my energy and prepare some yummy protein drinks.
Here's what I made
BsN Syntha6 Strawberry Protein Powder - 44g Protein!!!


Handful of Blackberries
4 Slices of Mango
1 banana
10 oz of skim milk

It turned out sooo yummy. I'm probably going to have this for breakfast and right before I work out these next few days.


I'm gonna continue on this path to success. I'm ready for much healthier lifestyle.

Until then...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm the lapband devil

I sit here on a Sunday night at around 1am just thinking about things. Specifically my weight loss. I just realized these past few months or so I have not been honest with myself at all. I have been making excuses for what I have been eating, specifically the way I have been eating. When I decided to get lap band surgery I knew that I was going to have to sacrifice a lot of things. The surgeon specifically said that I could not have...
*Eating foods that are high in sugar content, high in fat content, and high in calories with little nutritional value will decrease your rate of weight loss. In order in increase your rate of weight loss, there are some foods you should avoid, including:

* Sugar and sugary foods, including: high-calorie soft drinks, syrups, honey, jelly, jam, cakes, cookies, candy, ice-cream.
* High-fat foods, including: chocolate, chips, pies, pastries, ice-cream, bacon, sausage, fried foods, cream soups, cream sauces.
* High-calorie drinks, such as milkshakes, soda, beer, orange juice, apple juice, other fruit juices, whole milk.
* Starchy and white flour foods, such as pasta, rice, and doughy breads.
* Fats such as butter or oil should be restricted to 3 to 4 teaspoons per day.

Some foods can be problematic with the LAP-BAND® and should be avoided as well, including:

* Carbonated beverages - carbonated drinks (such as soda, carbonated water, champagne) can increase the size of the pouch and cause discomfort.
* Fibrous foods - fibrous foods (such as asparagus, celery, corn, dried fruit, oranges, pineapples, sweet potatoes) can get stuck in the stoma (stomach opening created with LAP-BAND®).
* Other problematic foods include nuts, popcorn, skins and seeds of fruits and vegetables, and tough meats such as steak, pork chops, and hamburger.
*alcohol Alcohol is not recommended because it is high in calories, breaks down vitamins, and has no nutritional value. However, an occasional small amount of wine or other alcoholic beverage may be tolerated with a few words of caution. Carbonated beverages should always be avoided and this includes beer or champagne. Also, since you shouldn't drink within an hour of eating, you will be drinking on an empty stomach and your tolerance will be low. The excess calories will also slow your rate of weight loss.
*Sugary foods should be avoided because they increase your calorie consumption without providing any nutritional value, but they will not make you sick or cause dumping syndrome. Dumping syndrome occurs when sugar enters the lower intestine too quickly, resulting in cramps, sweating, rapid heart rate, and diarrhea. Dumping syndrome can occur with gastric bypass surgery, but not with LAP-BAND® because the stomach has not been bypassed and intestines have not been significantly altered. Although LAP-BAND® patients can tolerate sweets, it is important to limit empty calorie foods in your diet to help with weight loss.

So basically, I have been having sugary foods, carbonated beverages, caffeine, and alcohol. Pretty much everything on that list I shouldn't have.

I also have to admit that I have also been really bad about portions. Even though I do have some restriction, I do find myself having problems after eating because I ate to much. I've been eating a lot of starches and not the healthy proteins and vegetables I should be eating.

I guess I have to admit that when I was at my dads this past week, even though my dad was hard on me, it helped. He told me that I should not be eating certain things and I am only making excuses up. I was in denial and didn't want to be told what to do. I found myself going out and finding candy to snack on in the house since he didn't have that junk food in his house. How pathetic am I?

Why am I doing this to myself?? Well lap band patients don't realize that when you get a lap band it only helps with what your stomach thinks is hungry or not, when the true problem is your mind. Many people eat because of depression, boredom, or just because it tastes good, when as humans we are only supposed to eat for nutrition.

If I were just to put my foot down right now and say that I'm going to eat for nutrition and nutrition only, then god knows what I would look like. And guess what?? I'm going to do that. I'm putting my food down. No more junk food in the house, no more overdoing it on portions, no more high calorie coffee drinks, no more alcohol. No more being fat. No more of this food devil taking over me.

I can't stand this. I'm going back to the gym tomorrow. No excuses.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Visiting Minnesota - A place I once called home

So last night I flew into Minnesota. I got in around 12AM. All I have to say, that seemed longer then usual. When I book plane tickets, I intentionally book my seat next to the window because I like to lay my head on the window and try to sleep a little bit. Let me remind you that the night before I flew out to Minnesota I worked 12 hours and didn't get to go to sleep that day, so I was going on 28 hours of no sleep at that point. At 8pm I got on a plane to Atlanta,GA cause I had a stupid layover. If you ask me, it is the most retarded thing to fly south to go north. Once I got to Atlanta, I had to hurry up and get on the next plane. I did manage to get something to eat at the Atlanta Bread Company -- Yum! Anyway... I was running a little bit behind and there was most of the people already seated on the plane when I got on. Of course my seat was at the very back, 27A to be exact. At I got to me seat I notice that there is a man in my seat. I told him that he was in my seat and that I sit in "A". He insisted that "A" was on the isle. No it's not dumbass. "A" starts at the window. There's even a damn picture of it on top of the seat. So I told him, and he wouldn't move. I didn't feel like arguing with someone who spoke little english, so I just sat down and minded my own business. His wife sat next to me. She was short and very fat. She was so fat that half of her leg was on my seat. She actually hogged the armrest to. I was not comfortable getting my arm wacked by passengers needing to go the bathroom and beverage carts passing by. I hate that! I actually went to the bathroom 2 times because I needed to get away from there and not be squished up next to her. She stunk to. When I checked in for my flight I had the option of upgrading my flight to business class for $60. I should of done that. I now regret that because my sanity suffered because of it. I have this issue with space. I can't be close to people like that. I guess I have what you would call a "bubble" -- lol

So it's Wednesday night and I'm sitting here typing away on my laptop I once thought it was broken. I brought it up here cause I have a friend who is good with computers and was going to fix it. I was so bored and couldn't sleep last night I managed to fix it on my own! My hard drive blew and I had to get a new one, but the problem was I couldn't get windows to install. Finally after messing with it for hours and getting my information on what to do via my iTouch, I fixed it. I managed to install Windows 7 versus Crappy Windows Vista.

I was up until 6am and slept till about 2pm. I was so tired. My schedule is all messed up because of working nights, but hey what can you do. After I woke up, dad and I went to Ridgedale Mall and we walked around a bit. He was nice enough to buy me some more MAC makeup. Thanks dad!! <3 We had fajitas for dinner. It was yummy! What I'm going to do is I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight to get back to a more normal schedule. So until then.. Ta-Ta

Friday, July 2, 2010

Kidney Stone finally passed

I'm happy and so greatful to say that my kidney stone finally passed!!
I was at home and was having a hard time with keeping any liquids down if you know what I mean. I was told to go to the ER by my doctor because of the pain and the fact that I needed some saline.
So 10 hours later.. after all that saline and some good dilauded, I'm finally home and happy to say that the stone is finally gone. Yay!
Now I'm looking forward to working these next 4 days in a row and being pain free.
Also Tuesday I'm flying out to Minnesota and I don't have to worry about being in pain on the plane.

Thank the lord!!!
