Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To be fat or not to be fat...that is the question..

So today was my first good day back on the wagon with eating much healthier meals. I really can't say that it's been 100% at work because of the temptation of the cafeteria. I don't know why I can't bring myself to pack my damn lunch for work. I have the food, don't know why but I'm just lazy or I forget. That's another goal I need to work on. For instance, last night while at work guess what I decided to get? A slice of fricken pizza! I ate only 3 bites and said screw this, as my stomach was trying to say the same thing. I was in so much pain from the pizza being stuck in my band because of the dough. I threw it up and moved on. I didn't want to eat anything after that.

So today was a new day. I woke up around 4pm after working all night last night and decided to stop making excuses and get my ass to the gym and succeed in my other goal - going to classes. I really find it boring to walk on treadmills and elliptical machines sometimes, so I feel that this would for sure help my problem. I got to the gym tonight and did an hour class of "kickboxing". It was so much fun!! It was very similar to this class here --

It was a lot of fun, but man it sure kicked my ass. I really am looking forward to going to that class more often. In the meantime....

I got home and decided to make one of my favorite lap band friendly recipes -- Crust less Quiche --
*Crust less Quiche
3 eggs
1/3 C white cheddar/mont jack cheese mix
1/4 C fat free cottage cheese
diced jalepenos and diced green chilies to taste
pinch salt and pepper
- I added ---
Onions, Garlic, Chopped Spinach, Zucchini, Red Pepper - sauteed before adding to quiche.

Mix ingredients in magic bullet or other blender
Poor into a personal size casserole bowl or oven safe bowl
bake in oven at 350 for 30-35 minutes

This will serve two 1/2 C servings
200 calories per serving
11 grams of fat per serving
19 grams of protein per serving

I made twice as much so I can eat it for a few days -- Here's what what the outcome -

OMG it was soooo good!!!

I also decided since these next few days are going to be full of some intense workouts, I wanted to have my energy and prepare some yummy protein drinks.
Here's what I made
BsN Syntha6 Strawberry Protein Powder - 44g Protein!!!


Handful of Blackberries
4 Slices of Mango
1 banana
10 oz of skim milk

It turned out sooo yummy. I'm probably going to have this for breakfast and right before I work out these next few days.


I'm gonna continue on this path to success. I'm ready for much healthier lifestyle.

Until then...

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