Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kickboxing & Zumba today!

Today I woke up at 5:30AM. Couldn't sleep. I decided to go to the gym by 7:30AM. I did the following:


Now I'm not sure if that's correct. I got my information via Sparkpeople.com. I love that site.

Cardio & Calories Burned MINUTES CALORIES BURNED
Elliptical Trainer 20 328
Cardio Kickboxing Workout 60 818
Zumba 60 600
Daily Totals: 140 1746

I feel that I need to eat more for breakfast if I plan on doing that much cardio in the morning. By the time I was done with the 20 min of eliptical machine, I've already burned the calories I took in and I was starting to feel really hungry.

My other problem is I need to make sure I snack healthier. When I'm done working out, I'm usually starving and I tend not to want the most healthy things. I need to work on that.

Other then that, I'm looking forward to starting up with a new trainer. I was seeing this trainer named Rick at Gold's Gym, but he was just too busy for me. So I will soon be meeting up with a woman named Lea. We'll see how that goes.

Kickboxing Class

I did pretty good on my food eaten today as well.

Cream of Wheat Cereal, mix'n eat, apple, banana and maple flavored, 2 packet, prepared 264 58 1 5

6 Inch Subway Veggie Delight w/cheese, 1 serving 280 44 8 13
Subway Fat Free Sweet Onion Sauce 1 serving = 1.5 Tablespoon, 0.5 serving 20 5 0 0
Sun Chips Harvest Cheddar, 1.5 oz 210 29 9 4

6 Inch Subway Veggie Delight w/cheese, 1 serving 280 44 8 13
BSN Syntha 6, Strawberry, 44 gram(s) 200 13 6 23


Daily Totals: 1,254 192 32 58

Sunday, August 1, 2010

6 days of workouts

So... after much thinking.. I've decided that I'm going to be working out 6 days a week for now on. I plan on going to the gym right after I get off work @ 7:08AM - even if I have to be to work that night @ 6:30PM. The plan is to workout from 7:30-9:30 each day..each day but Sundays. I'm giving myself one day of rest. I know you probably think I'm crazy, but I'm not playing any more games. I can do this!
Also...another thing I'm doing..

I'm staying away from the scale! The plan is to only weigh myself once a week. Which is on Fridays. That means on Thursday's I'm going to have my "last chance workout" as you would. I got the idea obviously from the biggest loser. I'm going to push even harder that day.

Also... I'm meeting with my personal trainer at least twice a week for the next month.

I hope this works.. I'll update you on my progress on Friday!
I would kill for this body!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I hate you junk food!

OMG. I'm failing in front of my eyes. I'm setting myself up for failure. I went to walmart the other day and this is what I buy-
*M&M's Big bag - Peanut Butter

*M&M's Big bag - pretzel

*Skittles - Big Bag
*Starburst - Big bag

So.... I've eating the two bags of M&M's and I'm working on the rest. But guess what??? Fuck that. I'm bringing those bags to work and have some skinny girls eat it. I can't do this to myself. Monday I went to the gym and burned around 550 calories and came home and stuffed my fat face and defeated the whole purpose.

Yesterday I tried to go to my personal trainer session but left because I was sick with a nasty migraine.

I'm done. No more excuses. No more cheating. No more sugar. No more crap. I need to stop or I'm gonna gain my weight back. I'm too embarrased to say what I've gained back, but it's not a lot, but enough.

I was watching a fellow youtube girl Melanie -- she inspired me. This girl lost over 100 pounds in I think 6-8 months. Why can't I do that'?? Why?? Because she's determined and I wasn't. I'm getting back on track.

I'm going to walk/run 5 miles every day no matter if it be the eliptical or treadmill. This needs to be done.

I mean look at this girl!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To be fat or not to be fat...that is the question..

So today was my first good day back on the wagon with eating much healthier meals. I really can't say that it's been 100% at work because of the temptation of the cafeteria. I don't know why I can't bring myself to pack my damn lunch for work. I have the food, don't know why but I'm just lazy or I forget. That's another goal I need to work on. For instance, last night while at work guess what I decided to get? A slice of fricken pizza! I ate only 3 bites and said screw this, as my stomach was trying to say the same thing. I was in so much pain from the pizza being stuck in my band because of the dough. I threw it up and moved on. I didn't want to eat anything after that.

So today was a new day. I woke up around 4pm after working all night last night and decided to stop making excuses and get my ass to the gym and succeed in my other goal - going to classes. I really find it boring to walk on treadmills and elliptical machines sometimes, so I feel that this would for sure help my problem. I got to the gym tonight and did an hour class of "kickboxing". It was so much fun!! It was very similar to this class here --

It was a lot of fun, but man it sure kicked my ass. I really am looking forward to going to that class more often. In the meantime....

I got home and decided to make one of my favorite lap band friendly recipes -- Crust less Quiche --
*Crust less Quiche
3 eggs
1/3 C white cheddar/mont jack cheese mix
1/4 C fat free cottage cheese
diced jalepenos and diced green chilies to taste
pinch salt and pepper
- I added ---
Onions, Garlic, Chopped Spinach, Zucchini, Red Pepper - sauteed before adding to quiche.

Mix ingredients in magic bullet or other blender
Poor into a personal size casserole bowl or oven safe bowl
bake in oven at 350 for 30-35 minutes

This will serve two 1/2 C servings
200 calories per serving
11 grams of fat per serving
19 grams of protein per serving

I made twice as much so I can eat it for a few days -- Here's what what the outcome -

OMG it was soooo good!!!

I also decided since these next few days are going to be full of some intense workouts, I wanted to have my energy and prepare some yummy protein drinks.
Here's what I made
BsN Syntha6 Strawberry Protein Powder - 44g Protein!!!


Handful of Blackberries
4 Slices of Mango
1 banana
10 oz of skim milk

It turned out sooo yummy. I'm probably going to have this for breakfast and right before I work out these next few days.


I'm gonna continue on this path to success. I'm ready for much healthier lifestyle.

Until then...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm the lapband devil

I sit here on a Sunday night at around 1am just thinking about things. Specifically my weight loss. I just realized these past few months or so I have not been honest with myself at all. I have been making excuses for what I have been eating, specifically the way I have been eating. When I decided to get lap band surgery I knew that I was going to have to sacrifice a lot of things. The surgeon specifically said that I could not have...
*Eating foods that are high in sugar content, high in fat content, and high in calories with little nutritional value will decrease your rate of weight loss. In order in increase your rate of weight loss, there are some foods you should avoid, including:

* Sugar and sugary foods, including: high-calorie soft drinks, syrups, honey, jelly, jam, cakes, cookies, candy, ice-cream.
* High-fat foods, including: chocolate, chips, pies, pastries, ice-cream, bacon, sausage, fried foods, cream soups, cream sauces.
* High-calorie drinks, such as milkshakes, soda, beer, orange juice, apple juice, other fruit juices, whole milk.
* Starchy and white flour foods, such as pasta, rice, and doughy breads.
* Fats such as butter or oil should be restricted to 3 to 4 teaspoons per day.

Some foods can be problematic with the LAP-BAND® and should be avoided as well, including:

* Carbonated beverages - carbonated drinks (such as soda, carbonated water, champagne) can increase the size of the pouch and cause discomfort.
* Fibrous foods - fibrous foods (such as asparagus, celery, corn, dried fruit, oranges, pineapples, sweet potatoes) can get stuck in the stoma (stomach opening created with LAP-BAND®).
* Other problematic foods include nuts, popcorn, skins and seeds of fruits and vegetables, and tough meats such as steak, pork chops, and hamburger.
*alcohol Alcohol is not recommended because it is high in calories, breaks down vitamins, and has no nutritional value. However, an occasional small amount of wine or other alcoholic beverage may be tolerated with a few words of caution. Carbonated beverages should always be avoided and this includes beer or champagne. Also, since you shouldn't drink within an hour of eating, you will be drinking on an empty stomach and your tolerance will be low. The excess calories will also slow your rate of weight loss.
*Sugary foods should be avoided because they increase your calorie consumption without providing any nutritional value, but they will not make you sick or cause dumping syndrome. Dumping syndrome occurs when sugar enters the lower intestine too quickly, resulting in cramps, sweating, rapid heart rate, and diarrhea. Dumping syndrome can occur with gastric bypass surgery, but not with LAP-BAND® because the stomach has not been bypassed and intestines have not been significantly altered. Although LAP-BAND® patients can tolerate sweets, it is important to limit empty calorie foods in your diet to help with weight loss.

So basically, I have been having sugary foods, carbonated beverages, caffeine, and alcohol. Pretty much everything on that list I shouldn't have.

I also have to admit that I have also been really bad about portions. Even though I do have some restriction, I do find myself having problems after eating because I ate to much. I've been eating a lot of starches and not the healthy proteins and vegetables I should be eating.

I guess I have to admit that when I was at my dads this past week, even though my dad was hard on me, it helped. He told me that I should not be eating certain things and I am only making excuses up. I was in denial and didn't want to be told what to do. I found myself going out and finding candy to snack on in the house since he didn't have that junk food in his house. How pathetic am I?

Why am I doing this to myself?? Well lap band patients don't realize that when you get a lap band it only helps with what your stomach thinks is hungry or not, when the true problem is your mind. Many people eat because of depression, boredom, or just because it tastes good, when as humans we are only supposed to eat for nutrition.

If I were just to put my foot down right now and say that I'm going to eat for nutrition and nutrition only, then god knows what I would look like. And guess what?? I'm going to do that. I'm putting my food down. No more junk food in the house, no more overdoing it on portions, no more high calorie coffee drinks, no more alcohol. No more being fat. No more of this food devil taking over me.

I can't stand this. I'm going back to the gym tomorrow. No excuses.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Visiting Minnesota - A place I once called home

So last night I flew into Minnesota. I got in around 12AM. All I have to say, that seemed longer then usual. When I book plane tickets, I intentionally book my seat next to the window because I like to lay my head on the window and try to sleep a little bit. Let me remind you that the night before I flew out to Minnesota I worked 12 hours and didn't get to go to sleep that day, so I was going on 28 hours of no sleep at that point. At 8pm I got on a plane to Atlanta,GA cause I had a stupid layover. If you ask me, it is the most retarded thing to fly south to go north. Once I got to Atlanta, I had to hurry up and get on the next plane. I did manage to get something to eat at the Atlanta Bread Company -- Yum! Anyway... I was running a little bit behind and there was most of the people already seated on the plane when I got on. Of course my seat was at the very back, 27A to be exact. At I got to me seat I notice that there is a man in my seat. I told him that he was in my seat and that I sit in "A". He insisted that "A" was on the isle. No it's not dumbass. "A" starts at the window. There's even a damn picture of it on top of the seat. So I told him, and he wouldn't move. I didn't feel like arguing with someone who spoke little english, so I just sat down and minded my own business. His wife sat next to me. She was short and very fat. She was so fat that half of her leg was on my seat. She actually hogged the armrest to. I was not comfortable getting my arm wacked by passengers needing to go the bathroom and beverage carts passing by. I hate that! I actually went to the bathroom 2 times because I needed to get away from there and not be squished up next to her. She stunk to. When I checked in for my flight I had the option of upgrading my flight to business class for $60. I should of done that. I now regret that because my sanity suffered because of it. I have this issue with space. I can't be close to people like that. I guess I have what you would call a "bubble" -- lol

So it's Wednesday night and I'm sitting here typing away on my laptop I once thought it was broken. I brought it up here cause I have a friend who is good with computers and was going to fix it. I was so bored and couldn't sleep last night I managed to fix it on my own! My hard drive blew and I had to get a new one, but the problem was I couldn't get windows to install. Finally after messing with it for hours and getting my information on what to do via my iTouch, I fixed it. I managed to install Windows 7 versus Crappy Windows Vista.

I was up until 6am and slept till about 2pm. I was so tired. My schedule is all messed up because of working nights, but hey what can you do. After I woke up, dad and I went to Ridgedale Mall and we walked around a bit. He was nice enough to buy me some more MAC makeup. Thanks dad!! <3 We had fajitas for dinner. It was yummy! What I'm going to do is I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight to get back to a more normal schedule. So until then.. Ta-Ta

Friday, July 2, 2010

Kidney Stone finally passed

I'm happy and so greatful to say that my kidney stone finally passed!!
I was at home and was having a hard time with keeping any liquids down if you know what I mean. I was told to go to the ER by my doctor because of the pain and the fact that I needed some saline.
So 10 hours later.. after all that saline and some good dilauded, I'm finally home and happy to say that the stone is finally gone. Yay!
Now I'm looking forward to working these next 4 days in a row and being pain free.
Also Tuesday I'm flying out to Minnesota and I don't have to worry about being in pain on the plane.

Thank the lord!!!


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In bed all day from the kidney stone

So all day today I was pretty much in bed. I've been drinking lots and lots of fluids. The pain has gotten so bad. I'm unable to work. I have my moments like now where I'll be sitting here and then all the sudden I just get this bad pain in my back/side. It hurts soo damn bad. Tomorrow I'm planning on calling the doctor and letting him know what is going on. I hope by tomorrow I pass it the kidney stone. I called my dad today and he sounded really down in the dumps. I felt really bad for him. He's going through a lot of stuff right now and I wish I was closer to him so I could be there for him.
Tuesday night I will be flying out there for a week visit.

Anyway, I'm still taking the Vicodin for the pain and also taking antibiotics. I tried to take a hot bubble bath for the pain and that seemed to help somewhat. I've slept pretty much the whole day. I'm planning on going back and laying in bed even if its just to watch some HBO or whatnot.

Otherwise I've been just sitting around watching some youtube videos that have been motivating me so when I"m back to good health I can get back on the ball to continue my weight loss.

Well I'll talk later.


New Video Blog

Here's a video of me talking about the struggles for the month

My inspirations -- Lap Band Food Ideas

This is Wendy she has lost about 100 pounds with her lapband I believe. I really like this video because it shows ideas on what to eat. I really have a hard time finding things to eat when I'm at work on the way out the door, and she has really good suggestions. So I really wanted to share this video with you guys.

And here's some more ideas from other youtube bloggers

Lastly I have to say this girl Melanie inspires me. She looks so good. She's lost over 100 some pounds. You rock girlfriend!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kidney Stone

So I've been anxiously waiting for the day where I can go back to the gym and have a full workout. I can't wait to get back into classes and get back to personal training and weight lifting. I'm really tired of just walking on the treadmill because for now that's all I can do.

These past two weeks since having my appendectomy have been going by pretty fast. I've been picking up some extra hours at work and keeping busy. Although, I do have to say that I have been feeling this strange pain in my stomach - specifically in my lower right area where my hip is. Until today I pretty much have been ignoring it thinking that it was just my scar tissue healing form the surgery.

This morning I woke up in a lot of pain and was puzzled at what was going on. I went to the doctor today and found out after some testing that I have a kidney stone!!! :( So not cool! I'm in a lot of pain right now. I would have to say on a 1-10 scale - 1 being low and 10 high -- it's probably about a 6. Although, the doctor did say that I should pass the kidney stone in the next 72 hours and that will hurt the worst.

What I'm frustrated the most about is that I just can't seem to get a break lately. I mean my god, first I have to get all the saline taken out of my lap band, then I get into a car accident, then I get my appendix out, and now kidney stones? I'm not trying to have pitty party -- I"m just annoyed as hell. I don't get it.

After I get better and am allowed back to the gym, I"m going to go full force and do everything in my power to become a much healthier person because I seem to get sick with things a lot.

Tuesday I'm flying out to Minnesota for a week to spend time with my dad and friends. I'm looking forward to it.

I'll let you know how things are going this weekend, and if it has passed or not. Please keep your fingers crossed that it does, because the last place I want to be when it does pass is on a plane. :(


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

At the beginning of this month my band was way too tight. I was having problems keeping down even chicken broth. So I went in and explained my delema. It had been 3 weeks since I had my last fill and thought that the acid reflux and throwing up was because I was just swelled. Nope. Went in, then took the saline out of my band. ALL THE SALINE. They wanted me to go on a band vacation. For 2 weeks. So I did.

Then the next week I got into a minor car accident in my brand new car by the way, that I got in January So I have to pay $500 for that crap to get i repaired.


This past Wednesday I was at work for about an hour and started feeling this bad pain in my lower right side of my stomach. Then I produced a fever, then I started throwing up. I left home at around 2am. (My shift is 7pm-7am) I got home threw up some more and then went to sleep. I got up drove my husband into work because I had to go get my fill that day, well, I drove him in dropped him off. As I got out of the car I noticed that the pain just hit me. I started crying. I told Jason I'm fine and got back in the car and started driving. Keep in mind he works at a hospital so I was in the right place to be having this pain. As I drove down the street I was hunched over. I said screw this, and pulled over in the ER parking lot. I went in and explained my situation. Next thing I know I'm getting an IV and pain meds and a CT scan, Ultrasound, Pelvic Exam, blah blah blah. The PA suspected that I had appendicitis. They got the CT scan back and saw a blockage in my appendix called a fecal stone. They said that they would likely take my appendix out or keep me overnight. She had the surgery team come downstairs and examine me and look @ the CT scan. They told me that what they saw wasn't enough for surgery I was so confused. First the PA tells me I better get this thing out or it will burst and the surgeon tells me to go home?? WTF? Well I finally threw a bitch fit and told them i'm in way too much pain to go home so they kept me overnight. The next morning the surgeon came back in and said because of my pain they wanted to do "exploritory surgery" - right.. ok. So I get up to preop and the surgeon said that most likely he's just gonna take the appendix out. Long story short he does and finds that the appendix was swelled and inflamed. I TOLD YOU BASTARDS THAT IT WAS. Ugh.. people are dumb..

So now I sit writing this as I'm recovering from my surgery I had on Friday and I'm planning on going back to work on Thursday.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Update - A lot has happend in a year! Includes videos

So.. The last time I wrote to you I was about to get my gallbladder out, well I did. That was hard, but I went through it. That was the first surgery I ever had and the recovery was a bit hard. Here's a video of it if you missed the last one -
July 14, 2009 Hi there! Here's the blog I promised you last week. Yesterday I had to have surgery to get my gallbladder removed because I have what's called "bililary dyskenisa"(sp?). My surgeon was Dr. Peter Ng. He did a very good job. He told me that my gallbladder was chronically inflamed and it was good I got it out when I did. I have about 4 incisions on my stomach since it was done laprascopic.---Thanks god for that part!

Until then I'm off work till next Wednesday the 22nd of July.

Talk to you guys later when I find out the details on July 28th from the consultation with Dr. Enochs on the 28th for the lapband surgery.

Anyway, after I had my gallbladder out I finally decided to check out lapband surgery and I decided to choose Dr. Paul Enochs of Cary, North Carolina. I work at a hospital where I hear a lot about this surgeon and was recommended by many people to chose him as a surgeon. I did. I talked about getting all the testings done and whatnot.
August 05, 2009Hey guys. So I had my consultation with Dr. Paul Enochs last Tuesday, July 28th. I've done all the testing required, just waiting on getting my psych evaluation this Tuesday August 11th. After that, I guess when they get all the results, they are going to call me in to have a results appointment where they then schedule my surgery and submit it to the insurance.

I'll let you know Tuesday what happens.

Soon after I found out that my thyroid level was high when they drew my blood work so I was soo worried I wouldn't be able to do the surgery. Here's where I talk about it:
August 31, 2009 Just updating you. Have to go to the doctor to get on Thyroid meds cause mine is high. Then we will move forward with the surgery.
LOL I put September 31st. It's really August 31st. LOL

So finally after a few months a finally getting retested and finding out that my thyroid level being high just that day and got all my paperwork in, I finally got approved for surgery on October 14, 2009. I was soo excited!! :
October 14, 2009OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I just found out I'm approved for the Lap Band surgery scheduled November 13th!!!!! Yay!!!

I'll keep you posted.

And as time went on I thought I could get motivated and star a preop diet
October 16, 2009 This video just kind of shows my plans for my preop diet before my surgery. I'm scheduled for surgery November 13, 2009. I plan on starting the preop liquid diet 2 weeks prior to the surgery.
I just bought some whey protein supplements recently. I found some ideas for the protein drinks here on youtube.

Obviously I wasn't too sure about it...
October 29, 2009My surgery is coming up soon!! November 13!! I'm planning on doing a liquid protein diet starting November 1st, but I'm unsure if I'm going to stick to it. I'm not required to by my surgeon, but I feel that this would be a good idea. I hope I can follow it.

On November 1st, 2009 I tried my first day of the liquid only diet...
November 01, 2009 — So I just started my pre-op diet. I just woke up since I work nightshift at work and needed to get some sleep in. I just made my first Protein Shake --- Woooo hooo!!!
-16oz water
-2 cups of whey chocolate protein
-1 scoop low fat - low calorie peanut butter
- half a banana
- ice

It wasn't too bad, however I did need to add more ice to it, since I love my stuff cold!!
I'm going to to work in a few hours and I'm nervous about having temptations to other food since the night shift is mostly about fried foods from the grill. But I'm going to be strong!!! Yeah man!!

I'll keep you posted!

As you can see that diet only lasted about 24 hours.. lol
November 02, 2009 — So I just made a video yesterday before I went to work about starting my pre op liquid protein diet yesterday. I was pumped that I was going to do it. So I had my protein shake, it wasn't bad at all. I went to Whole Foods before I went to work and bought some premade protein drinks. I had one when I got to work along with some Jello and soup. I was absolutely starving by 1am.. I broke down and cried. I needed to eat something.

FYI --- I'm NOT REQUIRED to do this pre op diet. The only pre op diet I'm required to do is 24hours prior to surgery is do a clear liquid diet. I was doing this based on getting my mindset for surgery.
(surgery scheduled november 13th)

I DO NOT need to be on a specific diet because I know that my liver does not need be shrunk since recently I had my gallbladder taken out and my Doctor that did that told me that my liver looks fine.

I hope you guys are not mad at me!

I know I'm going to be ready for eating when I'm done with my surgery.

You have to understand with this diet that I was trying to be on, there was lack of motivation since I wasn't required to do it. I know that with the lap band, if I DON'T DO IT RIGHT then I will have major consequences such as weight gain, band slippage, etc.

OMG...the day before surgery -- boy do I look like crap ---
November 12, 2009 So I'm getting so excited about the surgery tomorrow. I'm on the required 24 hour clear liquid diet right now which is kinda hard, but not that bad. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'll let you know how it goes sometime after my surgery.

Finally the day came that changed my life forever. This explains my day of surgery.
Surgery was at 7:15am at Rex Hospital. Here is a short video journal of my day. This is the Single Incision Gastric Lap band that was done.
So I had my surgery today at 7:15AM. I was out by 9:00 and in main PACU for a couple hours. We went home around 1PM.

So here it is, I got there and they had me change in my nifty gown and compression socks. It really sucked that I have my period today. They didn't let me wear a tampon or pad! UGH... I know it may TMI but that made me mad.
Anywho, after the nurse started my IV in my hand instead of my forearm --- which HURT!!!, they took me soon to the OR.

I go there and I'm actually very familiar with their OR's cause I work in Labor and Delivery at that hospital and a lot of the time I have to take patients back to the OR for c/s's. My room was right next to the rooms they do those c/s in. Anywho, we got in the room and everyone was really nice and introduced themself. They made me comfortable and put my arms in those arm holder things. They kept putting the mask on me and I kept talking asking questions, next thing I knew I woke up a tremndous amount of pain in PACU -- it was hard for me to wake up since they had to give me benedryl with the anestheisa cause they used a "bear hugger" which is a device to keep you warm and it gave me a rash on my chest. Dont' knnow why... LOL
Anyway soon they wheeled me down to the step down area and I stayed there for a lil' bit. I was insistant I get up and walk around cause it felt worse to lay down. I went pee about 3 times. Since then I can't go #2 probably cause of the pain meds

So they discharged me and the tech brought me out to the car and then my husband just parked the car and went back in and got the perscription filled. We did this because they wouldn't allow me to just go wherever, they had to make sure I was gone OK but I didn't follow the rulses LOL . Anyway we dropped of my perscription for the Loratab liquid and then we walked down the hall to where I work just to walk of this gas and I saw all my coworkers and they were very happy that things went well. We walked back to the car after picking up the persciption and we headed home. So far I've been walking around the house just a lil' bit and resting as well. I feel pretty good otherwise.

3 days after surgery...
— November 16, 2009 — So I'm still in a lot of pain from the incision and the gas pain, which is to be expected :( I'm doing well overall though.
Since November 13th (day of surgery) I've lost...........
11 pounds!!!! Woooo hooo!!

Day 6 post lap band of what I'm eating -- November 19, 2009 — So I'm on day 6 of my post op WLS. I have been on clear liquids till yesterday when my surgeon gave me the go ahead to move to "mushies". In this video I show EXACTLY what foods I was eating and what foods I'm eating now. I also give a short video on how I'm doing.
So far.....
15 pounds lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 weeks post op -December 06, 2009 — So here's the deal. I've lost 15 pounds in the first week! But since then I have not lost ANYTHING! I know that's pretty normal considering I did lose a lot at first. So on the 2nd I saw the doctor for my 2 weeks post op. He said that I was doing very well. He wanted me to get more calories in -- I never thought I would hear those words spoken to me. I have an appointment for the 15th. I'm not sure if I'm going to get my first fill, I hope so!

Finally decided to join a better gym - January 01, 2010 — I've lost 20 pounds so far and went down from a 22 jean size to a 18! Yay!

My story of my weightloss - January 08, 2010 — So this is a video of me talking about my story. I have not always been overweight. I gained weight from emotional eating. I had a hard year last year. I'm healthier now. I'm going to the gym 5 times a week, and I've hired a personal trainer. So far I've lost 20 pounds.

Week 10 - Talking about getting a personal trainer - January 22, 2010 — Hey all. I've been gone for a while. I wish I could record videos more often, but it's hard to find the time. So far I've lost 26 pounds! I'm very happy but at the same time wish I could be down more. I've joined golds gym and I've hired a personal trainer. I'm actually on the way to the gym right now. I hope all you guys are doing well!

Week 11 - Minor setback -- January 22, 2010 — Hey all. I've been gone for a while. I wish I could record videos more often, but it's hard to find the time. So far I've lost 26 pounds! I'm very happy but at the same time wish I could be down more. I've joined golds gym and I've hired a personal trainer. I'm actually on the way to the gym right now. I hope all you guys are doing well!

Week 12 - Hurt my back - February 06, 2010 — So I'm doing better with my herniated disc. Going back to the gym next week. AT 216 now!

Week 30 - So it's been a while -- Husband decides to get lapband surgery as well - May 12, 2010 — A video into the life of me, Jessica and my husband Jason. I've been really busy lately with my mom dying and having to deal with other family issues. Last I talked to you I was 216. I'm now 203. I do wish it was more but with the issues in my family and the fact that I have not been able to keep up with my gym schedule it hasn't been as great. Not to mention my band wasn't as tight as I wanted it to be. I didn't have that much restriction. I do now. I have 6cc's. I'm pretty satisfied with it to the point where I feel that if I get more saline put in there I will not be able to tolerate liquids.

I wanted to also tell you that the journey between me and my husband as team losing weight starts today. He got the lapband surgery from my surgeon Dr. Paul Enochs. He had to stay overnight because of his sleep apnea. He's doing alright so far.

I can't wait to get rid of the breads, pastas, and all the other stuff us "bansters" can't have. I have to tell you grocery shopping and going out to eat is going to be A WHOLE LOT CHEAPER!!

I'll keep you updated on both our progress.. maybe next time we'll record a video together

So... I have yet to update you with a newer video.
It's June 14, 2010. A lot has happened in the past week. I got my appendix removed this weekend. I had appendecitis. NO fun. So far I have lost 55 pounds and I'm so proud of myself. I've been working hard with my trainer and I'm training for a half marathon for November 2011. I can't wait to lose this weight and be a much healthy and happier person.
Love you guys!