Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In bed all day from the kidney stone

So all day today I was pretty much in bed. I've been drinking lots and lots of fluids. The pain has gotten so bad. I'm unable to work. I have my moments like now where I'll be sitting here and then all the sudden I just get this bad pain in my back/side. It hurts soo damn bad. Tomorrow I'm planning on calling the doctor and letting him know what is going on. I hope by tomorrow I pass it the kidney stone. I called my dad today and he sounded really down in the dumps. I felt really bad for him. He's going through a lot of stuff right now and I wish I was closer to him so I could be there for him.
Tuesday night I will be flying out there for a week visit.

Anyway, I'm still taking the Vicodin for the pain and also taking antibiotics. I tried to take a hot bubble bath for the pain and that seemed to help somewhat. I've slept pretty much the whole day. I'm planning on going back and laying in bed even if its just to watch some HBO or whatnot.

Otherwise I've been just sitting around watching some youtube videos that have been motivating me so when I"m back to good health I can get back on the ball to continue my weight loss.

Well I'll talk later.


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